Wotspeak modpack for World of Tanks
If we talk about mods assemblies that include cheating forbidden modifications, one can not but mention one of the most famous modpack Wotspeak for World of Tanks This is one of the most extensive and full-fledged modpacks, including high-quality and useful modifications for every taste, and it certainly would have been very popular in the tank community, if it had not included an extensive list of prohibited game modifications for cheaters.
From the legal player can meet here more than a dozen original modifications for the voice of the sixth sense, modifications of the appearance of the interface loading wheel, well read in battle marks for tank guns and very convenient and popular XVM elements, as well as a WN8 counter in battle. Moreover, there are dozens of sights and circles of information, including Taipan, Jumbo, Harpoon, modification of the Battle Assistant for artillery and circles of information from Kyril Oreshkin, Jimbo, Octagon, as well as the circle of information from the game World of Warplanes. However, the forbidden part of the Wotspeak mods is very extensive - the player is provided with the well-known Tundra, a detailed timer for reloading enemy weapons, taking into account drum shots, the use of additional rations and combat fraternity, trainers and other popular cheats for World of Tanks.
Mod officially banned by Wargaming.
Run the installer and follow the instructions.