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Green sight "Magnitola" for World of Tanks sight "Magnitola" for World of Tanks


Presented to your attention this time green sight "Magnitola" for World of Tanks from the creator of the marsoff mods. This author has already earned a good reputation by other modifications to the world of tanks, including the first version of the ZX Lite. Its distinctive feature is actually stylish, beautiful and moderately bright indicators of health and recharge.

In addition, in the archive along with it is available to you and sniper sight Magnitola, created by the same author, marsoff, made in blue translucent shades and complemented by a convenient indicator of penetrability in the form of a circle. Thanks to this aim, shooting comfort can really improve quite well.

The use of this sight causes exceptionally pleasant sensations and good mood, and the cherry on the cake is the pleasant animation of the reloading of the tool built into it. All its elements and in the first version of the modification were created wisely, and with the update, everything just got better.

In the current version of this modification, the font was also changed to a more pleasant and readable, and also the color of the side indicators, reflecting the strength of your car and reload time, was changed. Also in the archive to the modification was added another circle of information with an armor penetration indicator, which makes the Magnitola from the sight just a perfect tool for victory!


Green sight "Magnitola" for World of TanksGreen sight "Magnitola" for World of Tanks

Green sight "Magnitola" for World of TanksGreen sight "Magnitola" for World of Tanks


  1. Install fonts;
  2. The mods folder is copied to the World of Tanks game folder.
Download section
DescriptionVersionPatchServerFile sizeURL
Green sight "Magnitola" server604 kBDownload

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