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STING RETRO sights for World of Tanks RETRO sights for World of Tanks


This time you are presented with a comprehensive STING RETRO sight for World of Tanks, which includes not only the arcade, but also the sniper and artillery versions for all of us of our favorite game of the World of Tanks. Many players knew this sight and its creator, the author of the Dikey93 mods, thanks to his artillery sight, which provides an impressive amount of useful information when playing on self-propelled guns. But not all players knew that there was a full version of the sight!

This is an incredibly simple and at the same time convenient sight with a circle of information in a pleasant blue color, which is clearly visible thanks to this on any surface and texture in the game, and the beautiful animation of the reloading end is a real cherry on the cake. In the archive with the modification, all types of this sight are available to you, and each of them has three variations in appearance and visualization, which you can in turn configure directly in the sight settings in the game client, without leaving the battle, switching indicators between radial, diagonal and horizontal.

In the latest version of this mod, optimization and adaptation was also performed to work adequately in the current version of the World of Tanks game client.

Installing this sight is as simple as possible - just download the archive, unzip it and copy the mods folder to the folder with the World of Tanks game client.


STING RETRO sights for World of TanksSTING RETRO sights for World of Tanks

STING RETRO sights for World of TanksSTING RETRO sights for World of Tanks

STING RETRO sights for World of TanksSTING RETRO sights for World of Tanks


Copy the mods folder to the World of Tanks folder.

Download section
DescriptionVersionPatchServerFile sizeURL
STING RETRO sights server588 kBDownload

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