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Mod damage panel "zayaz" for World of Tanks - this is one of those mods that are really time tested and despite the past tense, still not lost their relevance. The main feature of this modification of the combat interface for World of Tanks is the added circular menu for treating the crew and repairing damaged machine modules. This menu is called by pressing the Ctrl key and allows you to conveniently, without being distracted from the gameplay, repeatedly perform the necessary actions with rollback repair kits and first-aid kits in the current version of World of Tanks. This zayaz damage panel is also a constant component of many modpacks due to its popularity. Well, most of the players already cannot even imagine the game without the unusual location of the indicators and the band of hit points from this mod.

The mod archive also includes a log of damage and blocked damage, a timer for damaged modules, a detailed log of damage received, including a timer for reloading the gunman, and a circular menu using the Ctrl key to repair the modules and treat crew members.


Mod damage panel "zayaz" for World of Tanks

Mod damage panel "zayaz" for World of Tanks

Mod damage panel "zayaz" for World of TanksMod damage panel "zayaz" for World of Tanks


  1. Install fonts;
  2. Copy the mods folder to the World of Tanks folder.
Download section
DescriptionVersionPatchServerFile sizeURL
Mod damage panel zayaz server2355 kBDownload

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