Most of the experienced World of Tanks players have probably come across more than once with the modification presented to you this time. The functionality of the mod “Message about reloading in the chat on pressing C for WOT” is incredibly simple and at the same time sometimes turns out to be very useful for your allies. Of course, he plays a special role for drummers and gunners because of their long reloading. When you press the "C" (default) on your behalf in the chat will be sent a message that displays for the allies the time required for your full charge and bring to combat readiness weapons. Using this modification allows you to quickly coordinate with adequate allied allies.
And of course you have the opportunity to change the default key to a more convenient one for you if necessary. To configure this modification, you need to open the configuration file in any text editor. The config itself is located at the address inside the folder of your World of Tanks game client:
World of Tanks/mods/configs/ekspoint/mod_reloading_command.json
To change a key, you will need to change the “HotKey” line by selecting any of the available keys listed at the bottom of the modification settings file.
The mods folder is copied to the World of Tanks game folder.