Current version: 1.2.5
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Mod "Wargaming.FM radio" for World of Tanks "Wargaming.FM radio" for World of Tanks


Mod "Wargaming.FM radio" for World of Tanks in the hangar is already a fairly well-known mod in the World of Tanks environment. Not being vital or influencing the combat process, this radio however has a positive effect on the gaming atmosphere, allowing you to listen to good music not only in the hangar, but also in battle, as well as listen to interesting interviews, participate in contests and even find out the bonus code for gold. In addition, undoubtedly listening to Wargaming FM radio in combat increases the winning percentage and helps you get more pleasant sensations when you bend over.

By default, the radio hotkeys are simple and easy to remember. To turn the Wargaming FM radio on and off, the F9-F10 keys are used, respectively, and the volume is controlled by the F11-F12 keys located nearby.

It is worth noting that in the new versions of Wargaming FM radio in the hangar, you can change the control hotkeys, if the default option is not enough for you.


Mod "Wargaming.FM radio" for World of TanksMod "Wargaming.FM radio" for World of Tanks


Copy the mods folder to the World of Tanks folder.

Download section
DescriptionVersionPatchServerFile sizeURL
Wargaming.FM radio1. server838 kBDownload

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