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World of Tanks 0.9.20 Portable Client [RUS]World of Tanks 0.9.20 Portable Client [RUS]


The portable client World of Tanks 0.9.20, presented to your attention, actually has a huge number of advantages and useful features that you might not have guessed. The creators of this “portable version” of our favorite game have done work on compressing textures up to 25%, sewn directly into the client. This gives a huge saving in preparation time for the game, especially for weak machines, for which the process of compressing the texture of the original Wargaming client can take a decent amount of time. Moreover, the portable version also requires much less RAM due to its portability! And even if it seems little to you - with the help of the WoT Tweaker program you can quickly turn off all the additional special effects and squeeze a high number of frames per second on almost any museum exhibit! Modern computers will show great results all the more!

Also, a portable client will be very useful for those people who work on computers without administrator rights and can not install the official game client.

You do not need to install anything on your computer! It is enough to run the .exe file and perform a quick setup of the client, after which it will be immediately ready to play from any carrier!You do not need to install anything on your computer! It is enough to run the .exe file and perform a quick setup of the client, after which it will be immediately ready to play from any carrier!


Already ready to play. Just run the .exe file, perform a quick setup and go into battle!

Download section
DescriptionVersionPatchServerFile sizeURL
SD Portable Client [rus] 0.9.20Mail Drive0.1 kBDownload
Portable client upgrade 0.9.20Mail Drive0.1 kBDownload
Portable client upgrade 0.9.20Yandex Drive0.1 kBDownload
Portable client upgrade 0.9.20Mega0 kBDownload

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