Voice pack from the movie "Saw" for World of Tanks
About the modifications of the soundtrack of the game, I heard probably, if not all, then a lot of World of Tanks players. And these modifications are probably the most diverse among all other categories of mods.
What are the only themes that were not chosen by the creators of the mods to create their copyright voices of the crew in due time. And now one of the most unusual, created for a specific audience of players, is given to your attention, namely, the voice pack from the movie "Saw" for World of Tanks Voice of the crew members voice shorty from the movie. The author has done a lot of work to record and configure voice notifications. By installing this crew voice, you will receive more brutal comments about breakouts, rebounds, fires in the engine compartment and other in-game events. All this, although it sounds very peculiar, the lovers of this voice and of course the franchise itself will certainly have to taste! Needless to say, such an insignificant at first glance change can bring a certain freshness to the already familiar gameplay for a long time.
The author himself is not going to dwell on this and is already planning to create another crew voice, the voice of the Nanosuit from the well-known and beloved game Crysis.
The contents of the archive placed in the folder World of Tanks/mods/